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' + '
' + '
' + '
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    No Images Found
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'0' + d.toString() : d.toString(); } /****** Check IE ******/ function isIE() { var ua = window.navigator.userAgent, msie = ua.indexOf( 'MSIE ' ); if ( msie > 0 || !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident.*rv\:11\./) ) { return true; } else { return false; } return false; } /****** Get window width ******/ function getWindowWidth() { return $( window ).width(); } /****** Get window height ******/ function getWindowHeight() { return $( window ).height(); } /****** Setup swiper slider ******/ function setupSwiper() { /****** Swiper slider using params ******/ $( '.swiper-container:not( .instafeed-wrapper )' ).each( function () { var _this = $( this ), sliderOptions = _this.attr( 'data-slider-options' ); if ( typeof ( sliderOptions ) !== 'undefined' && sliderOptions !== null ) { sliderOptions = $.parseJSON( sliderOptions ); /* If user have provided "data-slider-md-direction" attribute then below code will execute */ var mdDirection = _this.attr( 'data-slider-md-direction' ); if( mdDirection != '' && mdDirection != undefined ) { var direction = ( sliderOptions['direction'] != '' && sliderOptions['direction'] != undefined ) ? sliderOptions['direction'] : mdDirection; sliderOptions['on'] = { init: function() { if( getWindowWidth() <= sliderBreakPoint ) { this.changeDirection( mdDirection ); } else { this.changeDirection( direction ); } this.update(); }, resize: function () { if( getWindowWidth() <= sliderBreakPoint ) { this.changeDirection( mdDirection ); } else { this.changeDirection( direction ); } this.update(); } }; } /* If user have provided "data-thumb-slider-md-direction" attribute then below code will execute */ if( sliderOptions['thumbs'] != '' && sliderOptions['thumbs'] != undefined ) { var mdThumbDirection = _this.attr( 'data-thumb-slider-md-direction' ); if( mdThumbDirection != '' && mdThumbDirection != undefined ) { var thumbDirection = ( sliderOptions['thumbs']['swiper']['direction'] != '' && sliderOptions['thumbs']['swiper']['direction'] != undefined ) ? sliderOptions['thumbs']['swiper']['direction'] : mdThumbDirection; sliderOptions['thumbs']['swiper']['on'] = { init: function() { if( getWindowWidth() <= sliderBreakPoint ) { this.changeDirection( mdThumbDirection ); 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if( changeOnClick != '' && changeOnClick != undefined ) { sliderOptions['on'] = { click: function() { if ( this.activeIndex > this.clickedIndex ) { this.slidePrev(); } else if ( this.activeIndex < this.clickedIndex ) { this.slideNext(); } } }; } /* If user have provided "data-thumbs" attribute then below code will execute */ var dataThumbs = _this.attr( 'data-thumbs' ); if( dataThumbs != '' && dataThumbs != undefined ) { dataThumbs = $.parseJSON( dataThumbs ); if ( typeof ( dataThumbs ) !== 'undefined' && dataThumbs !== null ) { sliderOptions['pagination']['renderBullet'] = function ( index, className ) { return ''; } } } var swiperObj = new Swiper( _this, sliderOptions ); swiperObjs.push( swiperObj ); } }); } /****** Destroy swiper loop ******/ function destroySwiperLoop() { for( var i=0; i < swiperObjs.length; i++ ) { var swiperObj = swiperObjs[i], destroyWidth= swiperObj.$el.attr( 'data-slider-destroy' ); // If user have provided "data-slider-destroy" attribute then below code will execute if( destroyWidth != '' && destroyWidth != undefined ) { if ( getWindowWidth() <= destroyWidth ) { swiperObj.destroy( false, true ); // Destroy swiper } else if( swiperObj.destroyed ) { swiperObjs.splice(i, 1); setupSwiper(); // Initialize swiper again } } }; } /****** Reset swiper loop ******/ function resetSwiperLoop() { setTimeout( function() { for( var i=0; i < swiperObjs.length; i++ ) { var swiperObj = swiperObjs[i]; swiperObj.update(); } }, 500 ); } /****** Remove wow animation ******/ function removeWowAnimation( gridObj ) { gridObj.find( '.grid-item' ).removeClass( 'animate__animated' ).css( 'visibility', '' ); // avoid problem to filter after sorting if( $( '.wow' ).length > 0 ) { gridObj.find( '.grid-item' ).each( function () { var _this = $( this ); // remove perticular element from WOW array when you don't want animation on element after DOM lead wow.removeBox( this ); _this.css( '-webkit-animation', 'none' ); _this.css( '-moz-animation', 'none' ); _this.css( '-ms-animation', 'none' ); _this.css( 'animation', 'none' ); }); } } /****** Reset isotope loop ******/ function resetIsotopeLayoutLoop( isotopeObjs, removeAnimation ) { for( var i=0; i < isotopeObjs.length; i++ ) { if( removeAnimation ) { removeWowAnimation( isotopeObjs[i] ); } if( isotopeObjs[i].data( 'isotope' ) ) { isotopeObjs[i].isotope( 'layout' ); } }; } /****** Top overlap section position ******/ function setOverLayerPosition() { if ( ( $( '.overlap-section' ).length > 0 || $( '.overlap-section-one-fourth' ).length > 0 || $( '.overlap-section-three-fourth' ).length > 0 ) && getWindowWidth() >= 768 ) { $( '.overlap-section, .overlap-section-one-fourth, .overlap-section-three-fourth' ).each( function () { var _this = $( this ); setTimeout( function() { _this.imagesLoaded( function() { var closestSectionObj = _this.closest( 'section' ), sectionPaddingTop = parseInt( closestSectionObj.css( 'padding-top' ) ), areaHeight = _this.find( '*' ).outerHeight(), overlayTop = areaHeight + sectionPaddingTop; if ( _this.hasClass('overlap-section-one-fourth' ) ) { overlayTop = ( areaHeight / 4 ) - overlayTop; } else if ( _this.hasClass( 'overlap-section-three-fourth' ) ) { overlayTop = ( ( areaHeight * 3 ) / 4 ) - overlayTop; 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_this.parents( 'section' ).next( '.overlap-gap-section-bottom' ).css( 'margin-top', overlayerMargin ); _this.parents( 'section' ).next( '.overlap-gap-section-bottom' ).css( 'padding-top', areaHeight ); }); }, timeOut ); }); } else { $( '.overlap-gap-section-bottom' ).css( 'margin-top', '' ); $( '.overlap-gap-section-bottom' ).css( 'padding-top', '' ); } } /****** Counter ******/ function animateCounters() { $( '.counter' ).each( function ( options ) { var _this = $( this ); options = $.extend( {}, options || {}, _this.data( 'countToOptions' ) || {} ); _this.countTo( options ); }); } /****** Set parallax ******/ function setParallax() { if( ! isIE() ) { $( '[data-parallax-background-ratio]' ).each( function() { var ratio = $( this ).attr( 'data-parallax-background-ratio' ) || 0.5; $( this ).parallax( '50%', ratio ); }); $( '[data-parallax-layout-ratio]' ).each( function() { var ratio = $( this ).attr( 'data-parallax-layout-ratio' ) || 1; $( this ).parallaxImg( ratio ); }); } } /****** Set vertical counter height******/ function verticalCounterHeight() { $( '.vertical-counter' ).each( function () { var _this = $( this ), fontSize = _this.css( 'font-size' ); _this.css( 'height', fontSize ); _this.find( '.vertical-counter-number' ).each( function () { var __this = $( this ), divHeight = __this.find( 'li' ).height(); __this.height( divHeight ); }); }); } /****** Get top space header height ******/ function getTopSpaceHeaderHeight() { var topSpaceHeaderHeight = 0; if ( $( 'header nav.navbar' ).length > 0 ) { // Standard header topSpaceHeaderHeight = topSpaceHeaderHeight + $( 'header nav.navbar' ).outerHeight(); } if ( $( '.top-bar' ).length > 0 ) { // Top bar topSpaceHeaderHeight = topSpaceHeaderHeight + $( '.top-bar' ).outerHeight(); } if ( $( '.sidebar-nav-action' ).length > 0 && getWindowWidth() <= menuBreakPoint ) { // Left modern topSpaceHeaderHeight = topSpaceHeaderHeight + $( '.sidebar-nav-action' ).outerHeight(); } if ( $( '.side-menu-header' ).length > 0 && getWindowWidth() <= menuBreakPoint ) { // Left classic topSpaceHeaderHeight = topSpaceHeaderHeight + $( '.side-menu-header' ).outerHeight(); } return topSpaceHeaderHeight; } /****** Page title space ******/ function setPageTitleSpace() { var topSpaceHeaderHeight = getTopSpaceHeaderHeight(); 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if ( getWindowWidth() <= menuBreakPoint ) { $( 'header nav.navbar' ).addClass( 'mobile-top-space' ); $( '.sidebar-nav-action' ).addClass( 'mobile-top-space' ); $( '.side-menu-header' ).addClass( 'mobile-top-space' ); } else { $( 'header nav.navbar' ).removeClass( 'mobile-top-space' ); $( '.sidebar-nav-action' ).removeClass( 'mobile-top-space' ); $( '.side-menu-header' ).removeClass( 'mobile-top-space' ); } fullScreenObj.parents( 'section' ).imagesLoaded( function () { if ( $( 'section:first.full-screen, section:first .full-screen' ).length > 0 && ( $( '.top-space' ).length > 0 || $( '.mobile-top-space' ).length > 0 ) ) { $( 'section:first.full-screen, section:first .full-screen' ).css( 'height', minHeight - topSpaceHeaderHeight ); } else if( $( 'header nav.navbar' ).hasClass( 'top-space' ) || $( 'header nav.navbar' ).hasClass( 'mobile-top-space' ) ) { minHeight = minHeight - $( 'header nav.navbar' ).outerHeight(); fullScreenObj.css( 'height', minHeight ); } else { fullScreenObj.css( 'height', minHeight ); } }); } /****** Mega menu resize ******/ function megaMenuOnResize() { // Based on container / container-fluid width megamenu will open under parent menu as a center $( 'nav.navbar li.dropdown.megamenu' ).on( 'touchstart mouseenter click', function (e) { var windowWidth = getWindowWidth(); if ( windowWidth > menuBreakPoint ) { var dropdownMenuObj = $( this ).children( '.dropdown-menu' ); dropdownMenuObj.css({ 'left': '' }); var menuSpacing = 30, dropdownMenuPadding = parseInt( dropdownMenuObj.css( 'padding-left' ) ), linkPosition = ( $( this ).position() ).left, linkWidth = $( this ).outerWidth(), wrapperPosition = ( $( '.navbar-collapse' ).offset() ).left, dropdownWidth = dropdownMenuObj.outerWidth(); var actualLeftPosition = ( ( linkPosition + ( linkWidth / 2 ) ) - ( dropdownWidth / 2 ) ); var afterReducewrapperPosition = ( windowWidth - wrapperPosition ); if ( ( actualLeftPosition + wrapperPosition ) < 0 ) { actualLeftPosition = -( wrapperPosition ) + menuSpacing; } else if ( ( actualLeftPosition + dropdownWidth ) > afterReducewrapperPosition ) { actualLeftPosition = ( afterReducewrapperPosition - dropdownWidth ) - menuSpacing; } dropdownMenuObj.css({ 'left': actualLeftPosition + 'px' }); } else { $( this ).children( '.dropdown-menu' ).css({ right: '', left: '' }); } }); } /****** Menu position ******/ function menuPosition( element ) { var windowWidth = getWindowWidth(); if ( element.hasClass( 'simple-dropdown' ) ) { simpleDropdown = element; linkDropdown = element.find( 'a.nav-link' ); var menuSpacing = 30, menuLeftPosition= element.offset().left, menuWidth = element.children( '.dropdown-menu' ).outerWidth(), menuDropdownCSS = ( windowWidth - menuSpacing ) - ( menuLeftPosition + menuWidth ); if( menuDropdownCSS < 0 ) { element.children( '.dropdown-menu' ).css( 'left', menuDropdownCSS ); } } if ( element.parent().hasClass( 'dropdown-menu' ) && element.parents( '.simple-dropdown' ) ) { var dropdownWidth = 0, maxValueInArray = 0, lastValue = 0, multiDepth = 0; dropdownWidth = element.outerWidth() - linkDropdown.outerWidth(); element.find( '.dropdown-menu' ).each( function () { var arr = []; if ( element.find( 'li' ).hasClass( 'dropdown' ) ) { dropdownWidth = dropdownWidth + element.outerWidth(); element.find( 'li.dropdown' ).each( function () { var dropdownMenu = element.closest( '.dropdown-menu' ); arr.push( dropdownMenu.outerWidth() ); }); maxValueInArray = lastValue + Math.max.apply( Math, arr ); lastValue = maxValueInArray; dropdownWidth = dropdownWidth + maxValueInArray; multiDepth = multiDepth + 1; } else if ( multiDepth < 1 ) { dropdownWidth = dropdownWidth + element.outerWidth(); } }); var menuRightPosition = windowWidth - ( simpleDropdown.offset().left + simpleDropdown.outerWidth() ); if ( dropdownWidth > menuRightPosition ) { if( element.find( '.dropdown-menu' ).length > 0 ) { var menuTopPosition = element.position().top, submenuObj = element.find( '.dropdown-menu' ), submenuHeight = submenuObj.outerHeight(), totalHeight = menuTopPosition + submenuHeight + getTopSpaceHeaderHeight(), windowHeight = getWindowHeight(); if( totalHeight > windowHeight ) { submenuObj.css( 'top', '-' + ( totalHeight - windowHeight ) + 'px' ); } } element.addClass( 'menu-left' ); } } } /****** Sticky footer ******/ function stickyFooter() { if( $( '.footer-sticky' ).length > 0 ) { $( '.footer-sticky' ).imagesLoaded( function () { var footerHeight = $( '.footer-sticky' ).outerHeight(); $( '.main-content' ).css({ 'margin-bottom': footerHeight }); }); } if( $( '.box-layout' ).length > 0 && $( '.footer-sticky' ).length > 0 ) { var boxLayoutObj = $( '.box-layout' ), boxLayoutwidth = boxLayoutObj.width(); boxLayoutObj.find( '.footer-sticky' ).css({ 'margin': '0 auto', 'width': boxLayoutwidth, 'max-width': boxLayoutwidth }); } } /* Get cookie function */ function getCookie( cname ) { var name = cname + "="; var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent( document.cookie ); var ca = decodedCookie.split( ';' ); for( var i = 0; i 0 ) { setTimeout( function () { $( '.rev-nav-ares-effect .ares' ).css({ 'opacity': '1' }); }, 2000 ); } } /***** 220315 이광우 customizing start *****/ if(isMobile){ var scrollMove = false; var scrollMovePoints = []; window.addEventListener( 'touchstart', function(e) { if(document.body.classList.contains('mfp-zoom-out-cur')){ if(e.target.tagName === 'IMG' && e.target.classList.contains('mfp-img')){ // e.preventDefault(); // e.stopPropagation(); // console.log('touchstart'); 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